Experience Your Emotions; Don’t Be Led by Them

Jackie M Johnston once asked her audience a question that made them think. Has your knowledge of “experiencing your feelings” and “being led by them” grown over time? We all have to figure out what the answer to this question is for ourselves. if we don’t say “yes” right away, we can’t be whole people.

We can’t start to act and think positively until we learn how to feel and deal with our emotions without being pulled down by them. Most people make decisions based on their “gut feelings,” but some people follow their hearts instead. People often do or don’t do things based on how they feel about them. If they don’t like something, they might not do it.

Logic and our feelings may lead us to the same conclusion, but this type of reaction is based on emotions rather than logic, even though they may lead us to the same conclusion. People use the term “experiencing your feelings” to mean this. The difference between “experiencing your feelings and being led by them” has been taught to you. When you feel your emotions, you can rise above thinking about your feelings and think about what you should do instead.

This is especially important if you have a fight with your spouse or teen child. This can be very easy to do when the argument gets heated. They will suggest taking a break to give each person time to think and act logically rather than emotionally.

Learning how to distinguish between acting on our feelings and understanding how they can help or hurt our actions and our reactions is very important to having positive thoughts. The way we feel can keep us from living the life we want and from ever having anything good happen in our lives. We don’t like what we have, so we want more. Depression makes us want to stay away from people or eat too much. Angry people show their anger in how they treat their children or their partner.

Negative thoughts and feelings can help us make better decisions when we learn how to turn them into positive ones. We don’t let them rule our actions without first thinking about other options that could be better for us and the choice we make.